Hello world!

So here we are. I am proud of this blog site I have created. I did it all by myself. We will  have a lot of fun navigating this site . Remember the three pillars include mindfulness. I was always wary and afraid of social media like face book. Guess what ,I started an account and I am trying to connect and interface the two together. At least that what my learned friends told me to do.I started an account on Facebook and all hell broke lose, at least it seems to me, that the whole world wants to be my friend. Most of them I have no clue who they are.

After I finished the site development and published it, I did notice some typo. My first reaction was to correct it but I stopped in my tracks because….

I am an imperfect man living in an imperfect world. Would it not be more  appropriate to have an imperfect product? So I will not be a slave to spell check. I know some of you will struggle though your OCD/OCPD  instincts to point it out.But I will ignore them and let you work out your neurotic inclinations!