Human Kindness

I had come back from Peru; no Arequipa . Rocio will not forgive me if I don’t place Arequipa before Peru. She is a Arequipan first and a Peruvian second.I received a text from her after she had read my post on Arequipa. She enjoyed it and I could sense her pride in what I had written. Her world revolves around Arequipa. If the rest of the world had a fraction of her heart and goodness, we would be living in a much better and more peaceful world. Neither of us are competent in the language of the other, but we try to communicate and build a wonderful world for all of us , if only others can see the beauty in this relationship, we will have a better understanding and we will spread the immense human kindness.
(Su mundo gira en torno a arequipa. Si el resto del mundo tuviera una fracción de su corazón y bondad, estaríamos viviendo en un mundo mucho mejor y más pacífico. Ninguno de nosotros es competente en el lenguaje del otro, pero tratamos de comunicarnos y construir un mundo maravilloso para todos nosotros, si solo otros pueden ver la belleza de esta relación, tendremos una mejor comprensión y difundiremos la inmensa Bondad humana.)I went back and read my post again and I am pretty proud of what I had put together about my trip.

We live our lives, a short time at that. If only we are nice to each other…..(Vivimos nuestras vidas, poco tiempo en eso. si solo somos amables el uno con el otro ………….)