Trip to Mexico

I had a list, a list of places in the world where I wanted to retire to. Mexico was the first and I started my quest with my trip to Mexico. I narrowed the places to  SMA -San Miguel DE AllendeSan Miguel De Allende is a city in Mexico’s...
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For old times sake

My wife and I went to the La mar in San Francisco in  Embarcadero today . We wanted to try out the Peruvian dishes and we ordered the fixed menu. along with drinks...
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The crew

Friends are funny. They, more often than not , become part of you and define your persona. At life time cross roads, they tend to be your signposts. I have had a few in my life time. I have seen and followed some heliographs. Some of them like, those...
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Checking with friends

After I published , I realized that I had not checked with some of my close friends if I could put their faces out there . It looks like no one is complaining. Its all growing pains… Also I developed a logo. I was too cheap to pay a...
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Hello world!

So here we are. I am proud of this blog site I have created. I did it all by myself. We will  have a lot of fun navigating this site . Remember the three pillars include mindfulness. I was always wary and afraid of social media like face book....
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